
  1. Python 3.6 or 3.7

  2. GCC

  3. Rdkafka >= 0.11

Install rdkafka from source

You need the Rdkafka headers to be able to compile asynckafka, download rdkafka from here, then unpack the package and run:

sudo make install

Some package managers have a package with the rdkafka headers. For example in Ubuntu 18.04:

apt-get install librdkafka-dev

For the MacOS users with Homebrew, the rdkafka headers already comes with the librdkafka package:

brew install librdkafka

Install asynckafka package

You also are going to need gcc to be able to compile the Cython package.

The package is in Pypi, you can install it with pip:

$ pip install asynckafka