Requirements ============ #. Python 3.6 or 3.7 #. GCC #. Rdkafka >= 0.11 Install rdkafka from source --------------------------- You need the Rdkafka_ headers to be able to compile asynckafka, download rdkafka from here_, then unpack the package and run:: ./configure make sudo make install .. _here: .. _Rdkafka: Some package managers have a package with the rdkafka headers. For example in Ubuntu 18.04:: apt-get install librdkafka-dev For the MacOS users with Homebrew, the rdkafka headers already comes with the librdkafka package:: brew install librdkafka Install asynckafka package -------------------------- You also are going to need gcc to be able to compile the Cython package. The package is in Pypi, you can install it with pip:: $ pip install asynckafka